Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef

Embark on a Great Barrier Reef cruise with Wild Earth Travel to explore the world's largest living structure, spanning over 2600 km and home to diverse marine and birdlife. Sail to the Ribbon Reefs, located 50 to 100 km off northern Queensland, where magical coral gardens and vibrant marine life await snorkelers and divers. Encounter giant clams, reef sharks, and colorful tropical fish while exploring the shallow depths of the reefs. Highlights of the cruise include snorkeling and scuba diving opportunities, Indigenous cultural experiences in Cooktown, and visits to uninhabited islands and sand cays for sundowners and relaxation. With a focus on conservation and protection, our small ship cruises offer unforgettable experiences and a deeper connection to the Great Barrier Reef's natural wonders.


Great Barrier Reef Small Ship Cruises

11 days from
$NZD 1,014 per day
* Current p/p indicative rate.
Click for info.
Final price may change due to currency fluctuations. Choose to pay in NZD, AUD, GBP, USD or EUROs. Contact us today and secure your small ship cruise.
Sold out!
NZ & Australia / Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef Snapshot Cruise

9 days from
$NZD 1,611 per day
* Current p/p indicative rate.
Click for info.
Final price may change due to currency fluctuations. Choose to pay in NZD, AUD, GBP, USD or EUROs. Contact us today and secure your small ship cruise.
NZ & Australia / Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef Ultimate Cruise

14 days from
$NZD 1,674 per day
* Current p/p indicative rate.
Click for info.
Final price may change due to currency fluctuations. Choose to pay in NZD, AUD, GBP, USD or EUROs. Contact us today and secure your small ship cruise.
Selling out!
8 days from
$NZD 745 per day
* Current p/p indicative rate.
Click for info.
Final price may change due to currency fluctuations. Choose to pay in NZD, AUD, GBP, USD or EUROs. Contact us today and secure your small ship cruise.

Our Associates Include

Adventure Canada
Heritage Expeditions New Zealand
UnCruise Adventures